Friday 6 May 2011

Story Plot

Receive a list of tasks to complete for Sunshine's birthday party.
A brief tutorial will then pop up explaining the basic mechanics of the game.

Task list

As this is a point and click adventure game, it means a lot of tasks will have to be completed in order to complete other tasks. Which could potentially get very confusing for myself, so I've made a basic template for how the storyline will flow. I'm not perfectly sure whether it'll be clear to an outsider reading this as it is in a brief noteform. Nevertheless it has helped me keep track of what I'm doing.

go to hairdresser (can see music) > Needs shampoo for clowns wig

go to bakery > need to collect __ strawberries and eggs > when complete get cake

go to circus (can see balloons) > Need the clown back > when clown returns recieve balloons

go to barn > lost hen > give hen and recieve eggs > find wellies > able to get strawberry

go to doctors > *patient in bed* >  needs 5 herbs for a herbal remedy > once recieved patient is better > rewards you with a present
doctor: thanks you for helping his patient, both can attend party now.

go to calvins house > shampoo

*ladders propped up against a building with Razzle the red bear doing work on a roof* > he'll loan you the ladders> get hen

Character dialogue

talk to blinky "Wahh! The show starts soon and I don't have my wig! How can someone even manage to lose shampoo?"
talk to blueted "I can smell strawberries! Feed me one and I'll give you this card."
talk to steffne "My customer is waiting inside and I've lost the shampoo!"
talk to patient pom: "I really want to make it to Sunshine's party! Please help me get better!"
talk to doctor cloud: "If only I could find 5 herbs, that should be enough to make her some medicine."
talk to razzle: "Huh! Can't you see I'm busy up here? What! You want my ladders?!" yes/no
yes: "Oh fine. But be quick, I haven't finished the roof yet."
no: "What was all that about?" *mutters under breath*
talk to farmer: "Eggs? My hen ranaway last night. Can't have eggs unless there's a hen to lay 'em, kid."
talk to baker: "A birthday cake? How splendid! I'll need 2 eggs and 10 strawberries. You didn't expect it for free did you?"

When given Steffne the shampoo: "Oh my gosh! THANKYOU. I shall wash the wig instantly! Here's the stereo too, you really earned it!"
When Blinky returned to circus: "The show was amazing! Thanks for your help, that Steffne is a real klutz. Here, have some balloons!"
When given Blueted a strawberry: "Om nom nom nom nom, that was delicious. Oh yeah the card, here you go."
When given hen to farmer: "HENNY! Promise me you'll never runaway like that again. Now give us some eggs!"
when given baker eggs and strawberries: "Yay you did it! I'll quickly get these baked up for you in no time!"
When given Doctor herbs: "Wow you managed to find them all? That's very impressive. Now me and my patient can both attend Sunshine's party too!"
patient: "I feel better already! I can't wait to party."

Collectable items
These are the items that can be collected in your inventory.

card - blueted
present - hospital
balloons - circus
stereo - hairdressers
strawberries - hidden
cake - bakery
herbs - hidden
ladders - razzle
shampoo - in calvin's house


  1. i can't find the last herb and what is the snake in a box for???
